
Measuring glass levels with radar precision  

Nikolaus SORG has taken a significant leap forward in the field of glass production by incorporating radar technology to achieve unparalleled precision in measuring glass levels. This advanced approach plays a crucial role in maintaining the highest standards of production efficiency. The importance of this precise measurement cannot be overstated, as even minor inaccuracies can lead to substantial errors and increased loss rates, especially in sensitive processes like the narrow-neck press-blow (NNPB) method for container production.

Traditionally, other industries have benefitted from radar technology, but its application in measuring glass levels is a groundbreaking advancement for both SORG and the glass manufacturing sector at large. This new, contact-free method boasts an impressive measuring accuracy of +/- 0.1 mm, setting a new benchmark for precision without the need for any mechanical components.

The design of this radar measurement system is specifically engineered to withstand the harsh conditions of glass production environments. It features a water-cooled and fully sealed unit, which is strategically placed above the target measurement area. The system operates through an opening shielded by a specially designed disc that is permeable to radar waves, allowing for accurate distance calculations between the glass surface and the radar sensor. This setup ensures that the system remains unaffected by the extreme heat and dust common in glass manufacturing facilities.

One of the main advantages of the system is its flexibility in positioning the measuring points to fulfil the specific operating requirements and environmental conditions. Moreover, this cutting-edge technology is designed to be inherently safe, as it does not produce any harmful radiometric emissions, making it a safe choice across all types of glass production, regardless of the colour of the glass being manufactured.

The radar-based glass level measurement system is not only recognised for its technical and operational benefits but also for its economic advantages. It is characterised by low installation costs and ongoing maintenance requirements. The system’s design facilitates easy remote servicing, enhancing its usability and efficiency. Furthermore, it is designed with compatibility in mind, enabling seamless integration into existing production and control systems. This adaptability also extends to retrofitting capabilities, allowing facilities with pre-existing setups to upgrade to this advanced technology without significant overhauls.

In summary, the introduction of radar technology for measuring glass levels represents a significant new technology in glass production, combining high precision, operational resilience, and economic efficiency. This technology sets a new standard in the industry, promising enhanced production quality and reduced error rates, ultimately contributing to more sustainable and profitable manufacturing processes.

Contact us today to find out how Radar Measurement can benefit your future project.